Friday, December 01, 2006

Steamed Anchovies with Lemon


1 kg. fresh anchovies
1 medium tomato(peeled and sliced)
1/2 bunch fresh parsley (minced)
2 lemons (one of them is peeled and sliced)
½ cup olive oil
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper


Wash the anchovies thoroughly, cut off the heads and remove the bones. Dry anchovies on a paper towel. Scatter salt and black pepper over anchovies.
Make sure you have a frying pan with lid. Place the anchovies in a non-stick frying pan.
Sprinkle minced parsley over anchovies.
Slice the tomato and put the slices of tomato and slices of one lemon on top.
Pour the juice of one lemon and olive oil over anchovies. Put the lid on the frying pan.
Cook over medium heat until they are done, approximately 15 min., but do not overcook.
Serve with green salad.

Have a good appetite!

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