Friday, December 01, 2006

Turkish Coffee

Turkish Coffee
Originally uploaded by HandMadeGod.

When I drink sugarless Turkish coffee, I usually want something with it, a Turkish bitter almond cookie, an almond paste, a cezerye or a Turkish delight. Turkish coffee is different, but once you are used to drink it with one of Turkish confections it is a marriage made in heaven.

2 Servings


2 dessert spoons extra fine ground Turkish coffee for each cup of coffee
2 dessert spoons sugar for each cup of coffee (the amount of sugar may change according to taste)
2 demitasse cups of water for each person
2 demitasse cups (called fincan)
1 Turkish copper coffee pot (called cezve, long handled pot)
Charcoal Grill


Put water into the copper coffee pot. Add freshly ground Turkish coffee and sugar into the coffee pot and stir with a wooden dessert spoon before heating.

Low flame is necessary for Turkish coffee. For this reason, heat the pot slowly over charcoal embers for 15 to 20 minutes, several times take the copper coffee pot away from the fire before it boils over. Do not stir the foam will collapse. Foam forms on the top as it boils. Just before it overflows, remove the pot from fire, share the foam between the cups.

Continue heating until coffee boils again and pour the rest of the coffee into the cups.

Serve with two glasses of water and two Turkish delights.

Have a good appetite!

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